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History of Precarpathian professional college of forestry and tourism

  • 11-08-2021, 16:03
  • College

The beginning of forest education in Bolekhiv dates back to the middle of the 19th century. The political and economic conditions of that time led to the emergence of a suitable educational institution. The second half of the 19th century was a turning point for Galician forestry as the timber trade began. In 1847 a railway was laid to Krakow, in 1858 it was extended to Przemyśl, in 1874 to Stryj and further to Hungary. In 1865 there were opportunities to sell wood to Prussia. There were many problems in this situation. The solution of these problems was in training forestry specialists. Therefore, in 1883, the Directorate of Forests and State Estates of Galicia, which at that time was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, founded the third forest school in the entire Austro-Hungarian monarchy in Bolekhiv, which was then called the Lower Forest School in Bolekhiv. It was the second only to Lviv in terms of importance and trained foresters to work in the state and private forests. In 1887 it was reorganized into the School of Foresters in Bolekhiv, and in 1922 it became known as the State School for Foresters in Bolekhiv.

The School was supervised by the Forest Directorate in Lviv and, at the highest level, by the Ministry of Agriculture. The management of the school was subordinated to the forester of the Bolekhiv Forestry. The school was run alternately by the forester Piotr Girek (from 1883), in 1885 by the forester Karol Goether, and from 1894 by Józef Petrl. In 1906, this function was held by Stanislav Shchentsikevych who managed the school until 1913. After the First World War in 1922-1923, the leadership was carried out by Stanislav Skhidler, a forester in Bolekhiv, and later in 1930-1931 by Gustav Pattek.
Since 1894, the following subjects have been taught at the School: arithmetic, geometry, measurement of trees and other bodies, natural sciences, drawings, forest use, forest protection, fishing, forest service organization, first aid for injuries, physical education.
After the reorganization of the School into the State School for Foresters in 1922, slightly different names and meanings of subjects were introduced.

They were divided into groups:
Group I: mathematics, botany, zoology.
Group II: forest protection, forestry, forest use, jurisprudence.
Until 1902 a new school year  began on October 1. Exams were taken in August. In 1902, the beginning of the school year was postponed to September 1, and exams were postponed to the end of July. The last exam at the state forest school in Bolekhiv took place in 1938. Students of the academic year 1938-1939 received a certificate that they had attended a course issued by the Directorate of State Forests on November 7, 1939.
Candidates for students of the Forest School in Bolekhiv had to be 18 years old, finish secondary school, have one or two years of practical work in the forest.
Till 1908, there were 163 graduates working in Galicia - pupils of the School in Bolekhiv.

In the days before the First World War, the high level of skills and knowledge of Bolekhiv Forest School graduates is evidenced by the fact that they were gladly hired in public and private forestries, preferring them even to graduates of the Regional Forestry School in Lviv. These data are the best evidence of  the school level and importance. After 1922, the number of students increased, and the number of graduates increased accordingly.
In the last years of School  existence, well-known future scientists worked in it: the director of the school (until 1994) Y.D. Tretiak - professor, famous Ukrainian scientist-forester, dendrologist and environmentalist, from 1953 to 1958 rector of  Lviv Forestry Institute; the teacher of the school O.Y. Korolevych - professor, head of the department of the same institute and others. Graduates of those years still work in the forest industry and  have become famous scientists. Y.O. Saban, a graduate of the school,  Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Professor of the Ukrainian State Forestry University, was the initiator of the revival of forest education in Bolekhiv. He was the founder and took an active part in the opening of the forest institution. Yaroslav Oleksandrovych Saban is the author of more than 200 scientific works in forestry-ecological and forest taxation spheres. The scientist successfully combined pedagogical and scientific work. He was noted for his ability to involve students in scientific activities, which allowed him to carry out postgraduate training successfully. His students became winners of all-Union and republican competitions of student research papers.

In March 2005, it would be 80 years since the birth of Yaroslav Oleksandrovych Saban, the famous Ukrainian scientist in the field of forestry, forest taxonomy, forest ecology, professor of the department of forest taxonomy and forest management of the Ukrainian State Forestry University, academician-secretary of Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. 
In 1992 Y. Saban was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of Ukraine by Presidential Decree for outstanding achievements in the development of national education in Ukraine, for success in the training of highly qualified personnel, for significant scientific achievements and their practical implementations.

A dendrology park, unique in terms of floristic composition, was established near the school of foresters. This is one of the oldest parks in Ivano-Frankivsk region, the collection of which was created both from aboriginal wood species and from those imported from Austria, Switzerland and Italy.
The revival of the professional Forest School began in 1993, when a forest boarding lyceum was established in Bolekhiv, and in 1995 the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council established a forestry technical school on the basis of the liquidated lyceum. In 1996, the newly formed teaching staff began working in a new higher education institution of the 1st level of accreditation.
In the summer of 1998 the first junior specialists graduated from the institution.

The year 2005 became decisive in the history of the technical school. This year, students and teachers  became the members of the Society of Foresters of Ukraine. On February 25, by the decision of the General Meeting of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bolekhiv Forestry Technical School became its member.
 In July 2005, by the decision of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council, the Bolekhiv Forestry Technical School was reorganized into the Precarpathian Forestry College, and in June 2020 it was renamed the Precarpathian Professional College of Forestry and Tourism. A new stage in the life of the institution with a glorious history and a great future has begun.